As of January 1st, 2000, LISCR, LLC was granted an exclusive contract with the Government of the Republic of Liberia (“the Government”) to administer the Liberian ship and corporate programs. Based on that agreement the Government granted a license to The LISCR Trust Company, a subsidiary of LISCR, LLC, to serve as the sole and exclusive Registered Agent for all non-resident Liberian entities (“the Registered Agent”), which includes providing the registered office address for service of process for those entities. The address of the Registered Agent is 80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia.
LISCR’s head office is located in Vienna, Virginia, supported by offices in many locations all over the world. All offices provide services on behalf of The LISCR Trust Company. Corporate inquiries can be submitted to any of the LISCR offices worldwide, where documents can be locally printed and issued to clients and where resident Liberian Special Agents are available for legalizing documents.