Why Liberia Now?

The following article, Why Liberia Now?, highlights the advantages of incorporating in Liberia.

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For those who remember Liberia as an offshore jurisdiction, there is no better time than now to metaphorically revisit the jurisdiction. Liberia is a premier corporate jurisdiction that is still going strong after more than 70 years of providing corporate services to the world’s financial and investment communities. The longevity of the Registry can be attributed to its ability to provide a variety of quality services, at a relatively economical rate, in an evolving business sector. For those who are not familiar with Liberia as an offshore jurisdiction, I would like to introduce you to one of the oldest providers of corporate registry services.

The Liberian Associations Law, generally modeled on the corporate law of the U.S. State of Delaware, allows for the formation of Corporations, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), and Limited Partnerships.   The Corporate Registry also offers the Liberian Private Foundation modeled under Austrian law and used by many private clients for estate and wealth planning.  Liberia was the first common law jurisdiction to introduce private foundation legislation in 2002.

When facing the challenging decision as to which jurisdiction best satisfies your clients’ interests, you will immediately recognize that Liberia meets the majority of your prerequisites.


  1. LIBERIA has an extensive history of incorporating for maritime and asset and wealth protection purposes. One of the most common uses for Liberian corporations is asset holding, including the ownership of real estate and cargo vessels around the world.
  2. LIBERIA is not on the EU’s recent 2019 List of Non-Cooperative Jurisdictions (Blacklist), whereas many similar jurisdictions cannot make a similar claim.
  3. LIBERIA is not considered a ‘tax haven’ by many international communities:
    • LIBERIA is not considered a tax haven by the United States.
  4. LIBERIA is white-listed by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and has recently completed its Phase 2 Peer Review.
  5. LIBERIA is a member of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS collaborating to implement the BEPS measures that tackle Base Erosion and Profit Sharing (BEPS).
  6. LIBERIA’s non-resident corporate registry is administered by a US-based, privately owned corporation, LISCR, LLC – with regional offices located worldwide.
  7. LIBERIA provides one exclusive registered agent, The LISCR Trust Company, for service of process for all non-resident business entities.
  8. LIBERIA does not require filings of the names of directors, officers, shareholders or minutes in the Public Register. However, Corporations may voluntarily file corporate information if it is required to be publicly available, or they may privately record corporate information with the Registered Agent, and such information will not be available to the public.
  9. LIBERIA offers same-day incorporations as an expedited service.
  10. LIBERIA adopted the Electronic Transactions Law in 2002, enabling entities to conduct international business using electronic communications and transactions. This development paved the way for Liberia’s use of an electronic Register, a secure, web-accessible data network, which facilitates the prompt and efficient formation of entities and the filing and issuance of documents from its worldwide network of offices – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  11. LIBERIA’s registered corporate clients have access to eCorp©, a web-based application providing online access to the Registry to form new corporations and manage existing corporations, obtain Certificates of Incorporation and Certificates of Goodstanding, reserve names for new corporations, generate and review statements of account and pay fees.

For more info on Liberian corporate entities contact us at: corporate@liscr.com