Special Offer September

On behalf of the Liberian Registry, we hope that everyone is enjoying the pleasant, warm summer days!
In an effort to make the return from your summer holiday more exciting, the Liberian Registry is offering, only for the month of September, new incorporations for the reduced fee of US$ 450 (originally US$ 713.50). This is a remarkable savings of US$ 263.50 per incorporation! By paying the formation fee in advance, we will include a free of charge Certificate of Goodstanding (originally US$ 150) in your formation documentation set.
Please see below for your review the necessary documents for beginning the incorporation process:
Summary of the Benefits of Liberia
Instructions and Request Form for New Corporation
Liberian non-resident corporations can typically be formed on the same working day on which we receive your instructions. Our same-day incorporation service enables you to have the name, share capital, number of initial directors and type of Articles of Incorporation based on your client’s wishes and needs.
All incorporation documents can be collected on the day of incorporation from one of the Liberian Registry’s Regional offices or alternatively couriered to the requesting party for no additional charge.
For more details regarding Corporate’s summer incorporation promotion, please contact us at corporate@liscr.com.