We have recently received multiple requests regarding a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for non-resident Liberian corporations. Kindly note that Liberian non-resident corporations are not issued a TIN, also often referred to as Company Tax Identification Number, as they do not conduct business in Liberia and are therefore not subject to taxation in Liberia. If you would like an official document of the Liberian Registry to confirm this, you may order a Tax Certificate for a fee of USD 150.00.
In cases where the residency of a corporation is required to be confirmed, we encourage to mention the registered address for all non-resident Liberian entities, which is 80 Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia. This address can be confirmed via the issuance of a Certificate of Goodstanding for a fee of USD 150.00 as well. If, however, the corporation needs to confirm its principal place of business, it may either voluntarily file or record this information with the Registry or the Registered Agent. Instructions can be provided upon request.
If you would like to order any of the above-mentioned documents or would like additional information thereof, please get in touch with your local regional office of corporate@liscr.com