Reinstatement of an annulled corporation


An annulled/involuntarily dissolved corporation may petition for reinstatement to the Minister of Foreign Affairs as Registrar.


Reinstatement is at the discretion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs as Registrar and is not automatic. If the Minister refuses the application for reinstatement, the payment made in connection with the application will be refunded.


When the rescission of involuntary dissolution is granted, the corporation is restored retroactively to the date of annulment, as if the annulment had not taken place. The Proclamation of Annulment will however remain in the public record. A model form of the petition for reinstatement is available at any of our regional offices.


The persons submitting a petition will need to satisfy the Registrar by proving, that they represent the persons who were the principals of the corporation at the time of the annulment, or are successors in title to those persons.


We suggest you submit a draft of the petition for reinstatement to the LISCR office in Vienna, Virginia for proofing (